So, today is a bit of a landmark day. Today I bought a mobility scooter. This may not seem like a huge thing to most people, but to me it's fucking huge.
At the age of 12 I was diagnosed with "sero-negative polyarthritis" and the prognosis wasn't full of fun. I was told I'd be in a wheelchair by the time I was 30. I wouldn't have children and I had to give up all the things I loved. As it happens I've now got a rather extensive shopping list of medical diagnoses, 3 children and I still get to do things I loved like playing the piano and bassoon. I've learnt to crochet, I've learnt a bit to play the bass to jam a bit with my eldest and I'm not in a wheelchair yet....
But crutches have been killing my shoulders and neck - I have issues with the top and the base of my spine and I've been fighting onwards just on crutches. I can't do it anymore. I took our middle one for a walk around a university and it took me so long to get over it, and the pain was just horrific. So.... at 43, I've written a segment of a best selling book, gone back to uni as a part time distance student to do a masters degree, had my nose pierced and bought a mobility scooter who I've called Roy.....
I'm making the choice to use this, rather than be forced into it..... Hoping to save some spoons too so I can do the things that I want to do with my husband and my children and dogs. I want to be able to go out and about, not being stuck on crutches and then having to spend weeks doing literally nothing to try to "recharge" enough to live.....
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